The wonderful world of networking.... with like minded people 

About 3 years ago I had the brilliant idea of creating a social network for live music fans to do business together. Short a few Angel investors, programming and web architecture skills, and an extra 10 hours in a day. I shelved the project, hoping sometime in the future it would be done.   Luckily other people have thought of it. Jambase has social networking aspect to its site so you can see who else is going to a particular show, but that’s not really “business networking”. On Ning you can start a community but basically it’s just you and your friends, its not that easy to spread the word. 

Ahh, comes my salvation. Linkedin opens the door and makes it easy to create groups (for you LinkedIn old timers you know how difficult it used to be).  Now there is a Deadheads with Ties , Business and Professional DeadHeads and Pro.PHISH.ionals group on LinkedIn. Now you can find people who you may have gone to a show with and didn’t realize you could help one another in your professional lives. Or look for other people in your industry that love the same music.  

I have always enjoyed doing business with like minded people. Theses groups are there to help facilitate that. In case you don’t know, there are alumni groups, non-profit, corporations, and pretty much anything you can think of, and its all for the purpose to doing business with like minded people. 

Now I just need them to buy the name I thought of…


Steve G.
1/21/2009 08:20:12 am

I worked with a guy from Umelt seemed pretty cool logo's a little non-pc but hey it ain't the end-o-the world if yur logo sucks if want to see a good one (or two) check out the now that's all inclusive stuff. I've got nothing against the new jam bands but a little history lesson is always a nice thing: Moby Grape, Quicksilver and of course the Dead really went the whole distance with all embracing musical styles. That's the GF way too we are a little closer to the source, latter day no doubt cause it was '76/77/78 but now that we reunited in '08 and brought the goods can someone please check out the results from La Plaza Park and give me an opinion on whether we're worthy of even the slightest recognition or is it truly one n' out? We can be seen/heard on too big deal it's not like it's CollisonPoint1969 but it's the real thing more or less. I'm not asking for much I only want trust...just a quick look see and maybe join a circle of like minded friends for discussion and advancement. Also, vote for Topaz & Mudphonic in the Austin Chronicle Poll cause they are a jamband's jamband and worthy of a plug in this here blog. Greyhounds are pretty solid too. Music is our bond let's make it work for us. Thanks for sticking your neck out and doing something for the public good.
Steve G.


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